Project Reconnect does not offer a pre-recorded service for passive viewing as we believe it is YOUR service. It offers lay leaders the opportunity for active participation using Australian resources in Australian voices. See the “How to” video by founder Rev Tom Stuart.
- The Congregation can actively participate, from meeting and greeting to tea afterwards
- Project Reconnect fills whatever gaps you have – Sermon, All Age message for the young, choir music, prayer ideas and a service of Holy Communion. Sermons and messages are by a different presenter each week – you can choose a message from a different Sunday if you wish
- It was developed for small rural communities in the Lachlan Valley of NSW using DVD and went online in 2021
- Your only limitation is your imagination
- If you can play a DVD at home, you can use the DVD version in church
- If you have the Internet and presentation software such as PowerPoint, the possibilities are endless.
- Downloads of your choice of music and messages can be made 24/7
- We provide a WORSHIP TEMPLATE if you need a place to start
- Discussion Starters to give the congregation a chance to have their say
- Links to further resources are available on this website (and below)
This page is to assist you to prepare a full service of Worship based on a typical service of the Uniting Church in Australia. It can be used by churches of any denomination to gather and use content for worship. It is not compulsory, but a source of assistance. We also produce an information sheet each Sunday.
“As a person who is questioning the priority of a 15-20min sermon, the shorter message format with a set of stimulus questions allows for truer liturgy – i.e. work of the people”. – Rev Jon Humphries
Making it Happen
Step 1 – Readings and Messages
Project Reconnect is structured on the Revised Common Lectionary, which provides a series of weekly readings cycling over three years (A, B, and C).
CLICK HERE for a printable summary of the Year C lectionary, commencing on 28th November 2021.
For a more detailed Lectionary with the readings, images and other resources CLICK HERE. We have a sermon for each week plus a shorter All-Age message. (Never underestimate the power of the All-Age Message). Links to the 6 most recent messages plus a weekly information sheet are shown on the home page. Past messages are also accessible via the Home Page and are searchable by season, presenter and lectionary
Step 2 – Getting Started
If you are new to leading worship, the WORSHIP TEMPLATE is a useful checklist for how you can organise your service, including Holy Communion where required. For an explanation of how others are using it see Rev Tom Stuart’s “How to” video. Please do not hesitate to contact us anytime at support@projectreconnect.com.au or 0409 347 616
Video of Music and Messages can be downloaded and imported into PowerPoint or similar presentation software to give continuity to your worship.
Where are the Resources?
- Acknowledgement of Country. If you want to include acknowledgment of country in worship, CLICK HERE for some suggested words
- Readings
- CLICK HERE for a printable guide to the Revised Common Lectionary
- CLICK HERE for a link to a more detailed lectionary with readings than can copied and pasted to your PowerPoint if you wish. This website also includes relevant images, illustrations and slideshows if you want to be more ambitious.
- Messages The six most recent messages are posted on the Home Page. Each post contains
- A sermon by a Minister of the Word or a prominent lay preacher (approx. 10 mins),
- An All-Age message or animation from a Minister of the Word, lay preacher or animation (approx. 3 mins) and
- An information sheet about the readings, messages, some discussion starters and background on the presenter
All these resources can be downloaded and incorporated in presentation software such as PowerPoint for your Order of Service
- Holy Communion. If you wish to share communion, CLICK HERE for a communion service presided over by Rev Tom Stuart at Charlestown/Garden Suburb Uniting Church in Newcastle. This service can also be downloaded and imported into PowerPoint. Uniting Church Congregations will need authorisation from the Presbytery to include worship by this method.
- Songs. If you do not have your own musician(s) CLICK HERE to access videos of choirs singing of 36 songs from “Together in Song” that you can download and import to PowerPoint. This is also good for periods when singing is prohibited – you can hum along or tap your feet
- Prayers. If you want assistance in preparing prayers:
- CLICK HERE for Call to Worship/Invocation/Opening Prayers
- CLICK HERE for Prayers of Confession
- CLICK HERE for Offering and Prayer
- CLICK HERE for Prayers for the People
- CLICK HERE for Benediction
If you need assistance please do not hesitate to contact us anytime at support@projectreconnect.com.au or 0409 347 616
Holy Communion is a recognised sacrament of the Uniting Church in Australia. Within our varied traditions in congregations, it is also called ‘The Eucharist‘ or ‘The Lord’s Supper. We believe in an open table, where any baptised believer in Christ is welcome.
The Uniting Church also allows a variety of forms for Eucharistic worship, while stipulating that certain essential features must be included. The published orders of service indicate a desire to accept reforms in the liturgy that ecumenical study in recent times has recommended.
During the COVID Pandemic permission was given by the Uniting Church in Australia (UCA) to stream communion and it is recommended that individual congregations check with their Presbytery to ensure that this is acceptable.