At Project Reconnect we are blessed with a large team of Presenters, who have recorded a total of 52 Sermons and 52 All-Age messages every year for the last 20 years. Every sermon and message is tagged with the name of the presenter at the bottom of its post in red text. Clicking on that text will reveal a short description of the presenter and a summary of all their messages since this website was established in 2020. All future messages will remain available as they are published.
This page is being built to allow users to find presenters of sermons and messages since we went online in March 2021. Click on their name to see their contributions since March 2020.
Are you a presenter? If so, please check your entry, as this information has been drawn from a range of sources. If you have recorded a message and your name has been missed or the information is out of date, please send an email to with details and a brief bio. If you would prefer not to be listed please let us know and we will remove your entry.
Aaron, Rev James
I am a Minister doing supply with the Pulse Team. I have been a musician, worked in corporate roles and then came into Ministry through formation and now have been ordained for 6 and a bit years. I ‘work out’ and am also a qualified Personal Trainer, which I get to do for fun outside of the Church, mostly.
Anga’aelangi, Rev Tau’aulofa
Tertiary Chaplain at Charles Sturt University – a ministry of the Port Macquarie Tau’alofa is a newly ordained deacon in the NSW/ACT Synod of the Uniting Church in Australia. She is currently serving as a tertiary chaplain at Charles Sturt University in Port Macquarie. She loves a good book at the beach and spending time with family and friends.
Armstrong, Dermot
I am a member of Wesley Castle Hill UCA. I am a retired solicitor and have been lay preaching for more than 10 years. I do (wonderful) courses as an Audit student at UTC. I simply like to be useful! I have a major concern that we are in transition from our traditional church to some new way of journeying in faith, a faith based in Jesus. How can we enable that?
Barker, Rev John
Minister in Northern Beaches Uniting Church, Sydney-par t of a multi-site centre comprising Balgowlah, Manley, Cromer and Freshwater. Married to my wife Joanna with 4 adult sons aged from 18-28. My interest is Theology and just completed a Masters at UTC – I am a lifelong learner! My sporting interests are surfing – I used to watch for the kids in the water and now they look out for me!!
Battle, Pastor Geoff
Pastor at Forster Tuncurry UCA in NSW. Before being a pastor, I was a funeral director for 10 years and before that, a loans officer in CBA. I love cycling and wish I could find time to do more of it
Beeton, Catherine
Children and Family worker for Charlestown Uniting Church. I have a passion for children hearing the word of God through SRE, playgroup, Children’s Holiday Clubs. My interests are my family, reading and gardening.
Burchell-Thomas, Rev Karyn
Karyn is a retired Uniting Church minister. Her interests include Sewing, Gardening, Cheesemaking, Family, Friends, Food and Travel. She is passionate about First People’s rights
Burns, Elliot
I am married with two adult sons and I attend Jesmond Park Uniting Church. I work as a WHS trainer and my interests include sport, playing soccer and riding my pushbike. I like to restore old motor vehicles and I am currently working on an old MG.
Bollen, Rick
Involved with Pittwater Uniting Church, retired, love to travel with our caravan, heading to Queensland for the winter, married, children, grandchildren, golf and bike riding
Cadenhead, Rev Warwick
I live East Maitland. I am passionate about the worshipping life of the Church. I’m not able to ride my motorcycle enough! I’m also a fan of some obscure. science fiction.
Retired minister of the Word living in Dargan and Leura.
Chegwidden, David
I am retired and a member of the Charlestown Garden Suburb Uniting Church where I am involved in the preparation and conduct of worship services.
I am also on the Presbytery Finance and Property Committee and currently the acting co-treasurer of The Hunter Presbytery. I am an active member of the Windale Mens’ Shed which I enjoy very much
Chegwidden, Laraine
Laraine is a lay presenter on Project Reconnect and a musician at Charlestown Uniting Church in NSW.
Corkhill, Andy
Andy’s moved between cities and has lived in Perth, Melbourne, New York, and has returned to Sydney where he lives with his wife Felicity, little daughter Jacquie and tabby cat, Pounce. When Andy isn’t studying, working, reading, or playing with Jacquie, you’ll probably find him in the kitchen making sourdough bread.
Cox, Rev John
I am married with 6 children and 7 grandchildren. I am a retired Uniting Church minister living in Wentworth Falls and attend Leura Uniting Church. I enjoy my family, traveling, gardening, photography, music jazz and classical, movies, art including aboriginal art, reading, food and wine.
Cunningham, Rev Andrew
Rev Andrew Cunningham Living in Orange, NSW where I am the minister in placement. I’m originally from Ireland where I most recently served as a Methodist minister. I love spending time with family, watching funny things on TV and, when possible, being outside. I like looking forward to the next trip away with my family.
Davison, Rev Karyl
For the last 5 1⁄2 years, I’ve been one of the ministers at Kippax Uniting Church. In addition to an active congregation, we also run a community service organisation, UnitingCare Kippax, which seeks to provide assistance for some of the more vulnerable members of the West Belconnen community. This interaction with people who are doing it really tough has the effect of focusing on the need for a more equitable society.
Drayton, Pastor Somerset
I am the youth pastor at Willoughby and Northbridge Uniting Church. As a creative person I’m always doing something in that field, so when I am not preaching or running youth groups I am usually painting, drawing or writing. Writing, art and creative pursuits in general are my way of connecting very deeply with God as well as my favourite ways to blow off steam.
Derkenne, Rev Gary
Rev Garry Derkenne is a retired UCA Minister, now a member at Adamstown UCA Congregation. Previous placements have been in Holbrook, Orange, Castle Hill then 10 years with Uniting Communities. Garry is interested in the historical conditions that gave rise to Jesus of Nazareth and His good news. He is part of developing a Hunter Community Alliance and a member of the Margaret Jurd Board – A UCA School for young people with mental health diagnosis that restrict them from accessing mainstream education
Downie, Glenda
Glenda is an experienced Family Worker with a demonstrated history of working in religious institutions and industry. Skilled in Government, Emergency Management, Children’s Ministry, Environmental Awareness, and Management. Strong community and social services professional with a Bachelor’s Degree focused in Applied Science- Environmental Health from the University of Western Sydney.
Drayton, Rev Somerset
I am the youth pastor at Willoughby and Northbridge Uniting Church. As a creative person I’m always doing something in that field, so when I am not preaching or running youth groups I am usually painting, drawing or writing. Writing, art and creative pursuits in general are my way of connecting very deeply with God as well as my favourite ways to blow off steam.
Dykman, Rev Anton
I am now officially retired from the Ministry but am still involved in taking services on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, where I live with my wife Nerolie. I have recently become a grandfather and enjoy spending time with my grandson and taking him for walks along Collaroy Beach.
Earl, Rev Michael
Current Minister in placement at Bowral/Mittagong UCA (11years), formally minister at Wesley Mission, Sydney (4years), keen cyclist, chess player, and father of 4 growing children, married to Lucy.
Ellis, James
Life-long member of the Uniting Church who attends Tuggeranong congregation in the Canberra Region presbytery. James is passionate about how we worship as the body of Christ in the 21st Century and has had a long interest in preaching.
Evans, Pastor Ella
I work as the youth and young adults pastor at Glenbrook Uniting Church, in the lower Blue Mountains. I love bushwalking in the beautiful national park around where I live, reading murder mysteries, and scheming ridiculous new games for our youth group and our state Uniting Youth Camp (if you’re a highschooler – you should come!)
Everist, Rev Steve
Steve has (mostly) joyfully served the last 27 years serving 2 Uniting Church congregations and loves what he does. Steve enjoys nothing more than playing music for people for worship and he sings and plays guitar, keyboards and bass. Steve enthusiastically works with his wife Deb, who is a great servant to the congregation and a powerhouse of creativity.
Fleming, Rev Nicole
I am currently serving the UCA as the Candidate Formation Coordinator at United Theological College.
As an ordained minister of the UCA, with a background in Youth Ministry, I have been in placement with Dubbo congregation, the Synod Youth Unit, and more recently with the Congregation in Balmain. In my current role at UTC, I am enthusiastic about supporting candidates through their formation program and assisting them to integrate academic learning with ministry placement. When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with my partner and 3-year-old son. One of our recent shared hobbies has been riding bikes along Parramatta River. I also love spending time sharing food and wine with friends, travelling (although that’s been limited to short trips in NSW during 2020), and I quite like knitting and watching movies.
Forbes Mitch
Rev Mitch Forbes Mitch is the Minister at New Lambton Uniting Church. In 2017 Mitch founded the experimental Christian Community called NewCity. NewCity now meets as a ministry of New Lambton UCA. He regularly appears on the Spiritual Misfits podcast and has been a guest presenter for Common Grace, CAP and Consumes. He has a wife and 3 kids and loves Marilynne Robinson, drinking and making coffee, beer, listening, thinking, and speaking.
Forest, Allison
A 2nd year candidate for the ministry of Deacon in the UCA. Always lived in Sydney and spent most of my adult life in the inner city, before moving here to Centre for Ministry. I love the space and natural environment here, and enjoy walking in the nearby bush. I have been an early childhood teacher, mission worker, church and university administrator, and have qualifications in English, education, philosophy and TESOL. I was studying to be a librarian when God changed my life by calling me into formation! I love to learn and studying theology is definitely my happy place! I also enjoy practicing yoga, singing, knitting, bushwalking, cooking (especially dinners for friends!), and learning to become a gardener.
Garner, Rev Keith V
Keith Garner was born in UK, spent 25 years as a Methodist Minister before coming to Australia to become CEO/Superintendent of Wesley Mission. Retired from that role in 2021 and is now Chair of Sydney Central Coast Presbytery. Enjoys reading and following sports. Became an Australian in 2008.
Gibb, Daniel
Daniel is a Children’s and Youth Worker at Turramurra Uniting Church. Having been involved in Children’s and Youth ministry for many years, Daniel has a passion for helping young people grow and develop their faith. Daniel enjoys watching TV, playing board games and spending time with his wife.
Hamilton, Rev Keith
Keith is Minister of the Word at Bathurst Uniting Church. He is passionate about Parish Missions in the Uniting Church. He was the former Senior Minister of a Parish Mission which are the subject of his studies towards a PhD. He likes worship to connect with public life and public theology. He also has an interest in car racing – Supercars especially
Hanks, Rev Rob
Rob is a Minister of the Word at the Hamilton Uniting Church in The Hunter Presbytery, with a background of 30 years in ministry with young people and a focus on the church’s participation in God’s mission. Rob’s interests include stories, sport, movies and music.
He, Natasha
I am a candidate for Ordained Ministry. My background in is youth ministry where I served as a Youth Coordinator for 10 years. I am passionate about the voiceless and nameless.
I enjoy quality time with my darling husband while taking our 4-year-old daughter for a swim and cuddles with our 18-month-old son. It is a joy to be around my loved ones, sharing stories over a meal with lots of laughter and love
Hillis, Rev Mark
Mark is a UCA Minister, allegedly in retirement, living in Katoomba NSW. He is married to Merrill, with whom he shares a rich family life with their children and grandchildren: including bushwalking, reading and other activities. He also serves the church in voluntary ways in Leura, Blackheath and Katoomba; and is a Pastoral Supervisor for a few ministers.
Hinton, Gail
I am an advanced Candidate for Ministry of the Word, studying at the United Theological College in North Parramatta. My husband, Shane and I have two children, Amber 26 and Brynn 21. Brynn my son, still lives at home with us in Penrith. I am a mad keen gardener and before going into formal ministry I
worked in Garden Centres as a horticulturalist.
Holloway, Suzanne
I am a ministry candidate at the Uniting Theological College, North Parramatta, in my final year and in part-time supply at Maitland Eastside. I relax by listening to novels on my iPod, admiring sunsets and beautiful gardens that I have not looked after, and learning about new people and places.
Hoogland, Mrs Sharon
Sharon Hoogland OAM: ordained deaconess in the Presbyterian Church prior to union, member of the Bowral/Mittagong UCA, keen sewer, baker, knitter, formally worked at Mission Australia and Wesley Mission, Sydney, mother of three grown up boys, married to Jon.
Hudson, Rev Greer
Since Easter this year, she has been the Minister at Adamstown UCA in Newcastle, a vibrant and inclusive church that focuses on faith, creativity, and justice. Greer has 20 years of experience in ministry in congregational, school and Synod roles. As a trained InterPlay facilitator, Greer is passionate about embodied spiritual practice, and the convergence between spirituality and creativity. She is a dancer, art-maker, mother, and an extrovert who relishes her alone time.
Humphries, Rev Jon
Jon is ministry leader at St Matthew ‘s Uniting Church Baulkham Hills. He has been in placement since October 2023. He is passionate about creative ways of engaging with God. Jon was the National Advocate for the UCA Assembly’s Transforming Worship Circle of Interest until the Assembly in July this year. He also has a passion for wellbeing and flourishing. His favourite way to look after his wellbeing and recharge his spirit is to go kayaking.
Jago, Rev Andrew
Andrew is a minister at North Belconnen Uniting Church in the ACT
Johnson, Pastor Rick
I am currently the Minister at Lane Cove Uniting Church in Sydney and a part-time preacher at Forbes Uniting Church in the Central West. My favourite pastimes include heading bush in our 4WD and being with our children and grandchildren. I also occasionally play guitar in church services and with a bush band.
Langford, Pastor Kim
Kim serves as a Uniting Church Chaplain at the University of Newcastle. Her professional experience includes adult education, human services, research, counselling, pastoral supervision, congregational ministry, and spiritual care. She enjoys encouraging people’s growth as unique and fully alive humans. For replenishment and fun, she reads/writes fiction, explores family history, plays music, hangs out with loved ones, and wanders around the beautiful bush and waterways of Lake Macquarie.
Kim, Rev Kevin
Turramurra Uniting Church, Minister, Passions for young families’ ministry, Interests – Tennis & Basketball
Larkin, Rev Steve
Minister currently at Port Macquarie Uniting Church. Ministered in The Monaro, Tuggeranong, then Perth in various positions.
Loader, Rev Prof Bill
Retired Professor of New Testament and UCA Minister, William (Bill) Loader is a retired UCA minister and Professor of New Testament, now living in Orange. He taught for 40 years in the Perth Theological Hall and at Murdoch University. He has written many books on the gospels, sexual issues, and early Judaism. He also has a website with a wide range of resources from children’s stories to weekly commentaries on the lectionary: BIll’s Home Page
Lee, Tay
Murray is a Navy Chaplain (Retired from full time but still working as a Reservist occasionally) and is a Uniting Church Minister. He worships at new Lambton Uniting Church and is a keen yachtie!
Lund, Rev Murray
I live in Rankin Park in Newcastle, NSW and worship at New Lambton Uniting Church. I am a retired UCA minister having served the last 20 years of my ministry as a Navy Chaplain. I am a passionate yachtie, sports car enthusiast and road cyclist
Macarthur, Rev Dr
Retired UCA Minister; university researcher with an ongoing interest in relating scripture to his studies in philosophy and English literature; multi-day remote area bushwalker; pilgrim, by foot and bicycle, to sacred sites world-wide..
McConnell, Rev Greg
Minister in Placement at St Luke’s Uniting Church, Belmont NSW in The Hunter Presbytery, NSW/ACT Synod
McCullough, Rev Daryl
Now based in Orange and serving as an Aged Care Chaplain for Uniting, Daryl was originally ordained as an Anglican Priest and served for a decade in the Anglican Parish Ministry. He was admitted as a Uniting Church Minister in November 2023. He is married to Dianne and they have three children of their own and a foster daughter. Daryl is also a long-suffering West Tigers supporter who regularly makes empty threats of abandoning them, only to sign up every year for more disappointment.
Rev Duncan McDiarmid
Minister at Eurobodalla Uniting Church and Community Chaplain for Bushfire Recovery. Particular interest in walking together with First and Second Peoples, and attending to the marginalised in our community.
McPaul, Rev Josh
Minister in Placement at Northern Illawarra Uniting Church, just north of Wollongong. I am married to Robin, a teacher who comes from California, USA. I spent most of my working life in the US, helping to start a church in Oakland, California, focused on racial reconciliation. I love living near Wollongong, close to family – swimming, kayaking, and camping up and down the coast.
Manton, Rev David
David Manton OAM: Previously a Methodist and now a retired UCA Minister. Former Moderator of the NSW/ACT Synod, member of Bowral/Mittagong UCA. Grandfather and great-grandfather, married to Frances
Mileham, Dr Kira
Dr Kira Mileham Is employed by “The Union for the Conservation of Nature” as the Global director of Strategic Partnerships for the Species Survival Commission. She is a congregational member of New Lambton Uniting Church in Newcastle. She is a qualified Science Communicator and holds a life-long passion for creation and wildlife. Kira finds peace, joy, and connection with her faith when she is camping, walking her dogs in the Aussie bush or galivanting around the world watching any kind of wildlife.
Miller, Rev Liam
I am currently in placement on Garigal and Gayamaygal land with The Forest Kirk Uniting Church. I have two young daughters, the eldest of whom is in primary school, and I am completing a PhD with Charles Sturt University which is exploring the task of Christian Doctrine in conversation with theatre and adaptation
Neville, Ross
Retired, Pastor, Board of Mission and Evangelism, Lay Preacher, elder. Ministry Upper Hunter, Rural NSW, Coonamble, Parkes, Forbes
Nowak, Lothar
Born in Germany and came to Australia in 1950. Recently retired. Married with 2 grown-up sons, four grandchildren. Interests are mainly focused on music. Loves playing guitar and singing.
Pepper, Miriam
Dr Miriam Pepper is a social researcher with NCLS Research, a long-standing member of Uniting Eco Group, and secretary of the Forest Advocacy Ministry Committee.
Pepper, Catherine (Peps)
Peps Is a creative thinker, innovator, educator and environmental engineer who is passionate about sustainability, creativity, justice and grass roots social change. Some of her favourite things are vegetables that grow up by themselves in her garden, singing ‘a capella’ and laughing with good friends. Peps is based in Newcastle NSW and is currently studying a Graduate Diploma of Theology.
Mel MacArthur
Retired UCA Minister; university researcher with an ongoing interest in relating scripture to his studies in philosophy and English literature; multi-day remote area bushwalker; pilgrim, by foot and bicycle, to sacred sites worldwide.
Oh, Myeongcheol (John)
John is a Candidate for the Ministry of the Word at Uniting Theological College, North Parramatta. He also preaches at Turramurra Uniting church – see
Park, Rev Myong Kwa
I came to Australia in 1987 from Korea via Pakistan. I am passionate about interconnectedness of all beings as God’s creation, and our responsibilities to
be a good steward. I am committed to Covenanting with First Nations people.I am the Minister in Placement at Leura Uniting Church. I have a strong interest in Covenanting, Eco-church, and Spirituality of various religious traditions
Pattenden, Rev Rod
I am the Minister of the Word at the Adamstown Uniting Church with a particular interest in creative spirituality and the arts
Pearson, Rev Ian
Best known for his 10 years in placement at Pitt Street Uniting Church, Ian has spent all his 38 years of vocational ministry in Parish work. He now lives in both Strathfield (near his daughters and granddaughters) and Katoomba (near wonder-filled mountain walks). He is an active member of our Leura Uniting Church. Ian’s passions include The Matildas, rugby league, plane spotting, travel, and exploring the wideness of God’s grace.
Miriam Pepper is a social researcher and environmentalist living on Gadigal land. She is a long-standing member of Uniting Eco Group, a coalition of UCA members within the NSW.ACT Synod who encourage one another, and others in the Uniting Church, to ecological action and reflection. She currently serves as the treasurer at South Sydney Uniting Church in Redfern-Waterloo.
Perrin, Rev. Ann
Ann Perrin is an adult convert whose conversion experiences occurred outside the church. Called into community Ann has worked as a Family Worker, a Music Co-ordinator and in congregational ministry as a Minister of the Word for the last twenty years. She has worked encouraging change in different councils of the Uniting Church and is now a Mission Facilitation Consultant with UME with a rural and regional focus, She is passionate about exploring ways in which congregations can reconnect with their local communities. She lives in Orange on the Central Tablelands of NSW. is married to Christopher and has four children and four grandchildren. She enjoys Pilates, cooking, reading, and catching up with family and friends.
Pepper, Sue
I grew up in Eastwood (Sydney) and moved to Newcastle when I married Warren more than 50 years ago. I love people and children’s ministry is a passion of mine.
Queripel, Rev John
I am an author completing my 4th book, “Christ and Budda: Comparison and Contrast” soon to be published. I also contribute to journals and newspapers of geo-political issues. I enjoy reading, writing and am now a retired (too old) surfboard rider.
Raine, Rev Elizabeth
Elizabeth Raine and John Squires are a married couple who have served in ministry within the Uniting Church in a variety of placements in urban, regional, and rural locations. John is currently Editor of With Love to the World and Elizabeth is one of the ministers in the Tuggeranong Congregation in southern Canberra. John and Elizabeth share interests in gardening, music, and family history research. John blogs on the lectionary, church issues, and politics, at An Informed Faith ( )
Ray, Ashley
I am from Bulahdelah Uniting Church. I am a current serving Police Officer. I truly love being a father and husband.
Robinson Rev Alan
Alan is a retired Uniting Church Minister living in Orange with his wife Sharyn. He has recently completed a series of four children’s picture books called ‘Grandpa’s Farm”.
Schubert, Rev Bruce
Bruce is a member of the Bowral-Mittagong Uniting Church in Australia, a former Youth worker, retired psychologist, keen fisherman and gardener, Married to Dawn with 3 grown-up children.
Shannon, Rev Jean
Jean arrived in Australia in 1970 from the UK and spent many years in the Hawkesbury, Bathurst, Canberra, Sydney and Adelaide. She was a hospital chaplain for 10 years and was Head of Chaplaincy for Uniting NSW/ACT. Jean is currently in placement with the Sapphire Coast Uniting Churches in Merimbula and Wyndham. Her passion is for the church in the world reaching the unconnected and those yearning for community. She is a spiritual director and mentor.
Sharp, Carolyn
I currently live in Wauchope on the Mid-North Coast and am Treasurer on the Church Council as well as leading some services. I’m a Mum and a Granny. I love catching up with our widespread family as often as I can. I enjoy reading, gardening, walking, knitting, crochet and puzzles and I am looking forward to seeing more of Australia.
Sharp, Ian
Retired and living in Wauchope NSW. Interests are gardening, woodworking, metal work, camping, photography, cooking, fishing, spending time with my family and a few others. Member of both the Mid North Coast Presbytery and Wauchope Church Council. My passion is meeting with people in their own space and listening to their story.
Simpson, Rev Paul
I am the Minister for Youth and Young People at Pittwater UCA on the beautiful northern beaches of Sydney. I met my wife Amy in 1999 when leading at Vision Valley Kid’s Camp. We now have 2 boys (4 and 2) and a pair of cavoodles. My spare time is often spent gaming or streaming movies.
Squires, Rev John
I am a UCA Minister who has served for over 4 decades in congregational and presbytery roles, as well as Senior lecturer in Biblical Studies at UTC, Parramatta, and Principal of Perth Theological Hall WA. I am currently the Editor of With Love to the World and blog regularly at An Informed Faith ( and enjoying a more relaxed lifestyle in retirement.
Stevenson, Rev Geoff
I live in Old Toongabbie with my wife, Susan and our 2 dogs, Nico and Nessa. I am the Chairperson-Mission Strategist of Parramatta-Nepean Presbytery and I love to share with congregations around mission and living as God’s people in the world, sharing hope, peace, and love. I enjoy walking the dogs, playing music (saxophone and guitar) photography and sports (mainly football-soccer).
Stuart, Rev Tom
Minister of the Charlestown and Garden Suburb Congregation. Celebrating this year 40 years of marriage and 31 years of ministry. Past placements include Nyngan, Gloucester and Parkes. I started out ministry as a youth worker in Griffith, and then a Lay pastor at Menindee.
These days I am spending more time doing spiritual practices, which gives me a greater opportunity of seeing what God wants me to do rather than having my sensibilities consumed by day-to-day life.
Tom is the minister of the Charlestown & Garden Suburb Congregation, is on the Hunter Community Alliance Steering Committee, is part of the Listening into Life Spiritual Direction Training Team, on the Project Reconnect Management Team, and on the Whitebridge Wellness Centre Management Team.
Editor’s Note: Tom was also the inspiration and driving force in getting Project Reconnect up and going in 2002 to meet the need for ministry in small rural communities in the Lachlan Valley.
Strudwick, Rev Cherie
Cherie is the Pastoral Relations Minister for the Mid North Coast Presbytery and has a passion for making Christ real in the lives of people. She is a mother of 3 and grandmother of 8. In her leisure time she loves to paint and create. See:
Swain, Rev Phil
Phil has been the minister at Turramurra Uniting Church for the past 5 years. Phil has spent his formative teenage years in rural NSW, growing up in a small country town (Coolamon). He is married with 3 young adult kids (who all still live at home) and spends his time being with people (which he loves) and being on his computer (which he also loves).
Tangi, Pastor Sosiona Joyce
Pastor Sosiona Joyce Tangi lives on the lands of the Baramattagal Peoples on Durug Nation. Her passions include laughing and empowering young people! Interests include reading, being with her family, and spending time adventuring into new places! She is a second generation Tongan Australian who loves her big family. She is very much a woman of the ocean who also enjoys reading Australian fiction books and listening to live music.
Thomas-Burchell, Rev Gareth
Gareth is a retired UCA minister. His interests include making beer, cheese and scale plastic models of World War 2 planes. His other other activities include swimming and gardening. His passion is First People’s rights
Thornley, Kate
Kate is currently a chaplain in Orange.
Toogood, Rev David
David is an Education and Resourcing officer for the Pulse Team at Uniting Education and Mission – working on training leaders and young people to lead across the spectrum of the Uniting Church in NSW/ACT Synod. When not at work he loves hiking, music, and cooking plant-based food.
Westphal, Bec
Williams, Maria
Maria has the inspiration and dedication to produce our animations. She is a retired primary school principal, with a passion for teaching children and adults. Her interests include ; exploring her faith, reading, and (when it is safe to do so), A cappella singing and choral directing.
White, Stephen
I am married with 3 grown-up children, two granddaughters, and one grandson. I am a retired Railway Rolling Stock Engineer living in the Blue Mountains in NSW. My wife and I like traveling around Australia as well as seeing other parts of God’s beautiful world. I am a Lay Preacher in the Leura Uniting Church. I have an interest in old cars and drive a 1976 Triumph Stag and enjoy spending time with other members of the car club. I am a member of the Rural Fire Services and the Blue Mountains Refugee Support Group
Wright, Pastor Darren
Lay Pastor at Gungahlin UCA in the ACT. Darren likes to be a baker, cook, photographer, storyteller, father, husband, musician, fool!
Yan, Jermaine
I am a Candidate UCA and studying at the Uniting Theological College, North Parramatta.
I was born in Hong Kong and am a father of a 14yr old and an 8yr old. I am a member of Eastwood UCA. I like reading and building LEGOs.