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24th November 2024 (Year B – Reign of Christ Sunday) “A Kingdom not of this World”

Jesus came into the world as the ‘upside down’ king – his kingdom is not of this world.

To commit to following Jesus is not to go along the pathway of power, authority or prestige.

Rather to relate with humility, through compassion, holding fast to a righteous way of living.

29th September 2024  (Year B -Blessing of the Animals)  “Faith Running Wild”

29th September 2024 (Year B -Blessing of the Animals) “Faith Running Wild”

This Sunday we remember God’s creation in the animal world.

Kira’s work across the world with animals is not only connecting with her faith but continuing to carry out conservation of many species in many countries.

She is connecting with 10,000 species scientists from almost every country, with partners like

Zoos, Aquariums, Botanic gardens, Corporate agencies and Government agencies.

31st March 2024  (Year B – Easter Sunday)  “The Resurrection is Now!”

31st March 2024 (Year B – Easter Sunday) “The Resurrection is Now!”

Seeing the sun rise on Easter Day morning is like an explosion of ‘Resurrection Life’.

When we recognize that the Resurrection is not ‘historical’ but an ever present reality that happens over and over, it is then that we can catch a glimpse what the meaning of this life really is – it is much bigger than any death!

24th December 2023  (Year B – Advent 4)  “The Extraordinary Ordinary”

24th December 2023 (Year B – Advent 4) “The Extraordinary Ordinary”

Giving birth is an ordinary process for women all over the world – maybe for some it is more vulnerable and risky.

Through the birth of this baby the world would be turned on its head,
God enters irrevocably and extraordinarily into human history to show the way of God in the world. The ‘Good News’ is that God continues to be with us in our joys and struggles.

24th September 2023  (Year A – Pentecost 17)  “Labourers in the Vineyard”
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24th September 2023 (Year A – Pentecost 17) “Labourers in the Vineyard”

The ‘Upside Down Kingdom of God’ tells us something about ourselves and that our day to day way of operating, is not the same as the way God operates.

Greatness in his followers is about serving. Leaders are the servants of all and God’s Grace is there for everyone.

17th September 2023  (Year A – Pentecost 16)  “The Verdict is:  Forgiven”
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17th September 2023 (Year A – Pentecost 16) “The Verdict is: Forgiven”

The power of God’s extravagant forgiveness is so great, so
beautiful, so mystifying, that it surely cannot help but change us.

We cannot experience it and then go on being closed to others.

Restorative justice calls out oppression and violence for the evil they are and judges them: forgiven.