24th December 2023 (Year B – Advent 4) “The Extraordinary Ordinary”
For Advent, we have four welcome videos that you can use as an opener for worship presentations. Here is the fourth video. Thanks to Maria Williams for her talent and effort in producing these thoughtful additions to worship. Thanks also to Rod Barnes from Adamstown UC for the musical background
Giving birth is an ordinary process for women all over the world – maybe for some it is more vulnerable and risky.
Through the birth of this baby the world would be turned on its head, God enters irrevocably and extraordinarily into human history to show the way of God in the world. The ‘Good News’ is that God continues to be with us in our joys and struggles.
Mary and Joseph had to come to terms with the news they were to become parents.
The shepherds who were very low in social status, were the ones God chose to tell first.
Jesus came to change our minds about God and what he was about in our lives and the world.
Click on the button below to get the information sheet on today’s presenters, messages, and readings.