9th July 2023 (Year A – Pentecost 6) “Jesus Swaps Heavy for Light”
Carrying burdens can make us very tired and weary.
Focusing on the way of Christ in love, grace and forgiveness is a better burden for us all to carry. Forget passing ugly rocks around!
For those people who download the subtitles (closed captions), there is no need to do this from 4th June 2023 as we have already hard-coded them into the video. These videos can be directly imported into PowerPoint. This is a trial and we would appreciate your feedback on the benefits, or otherwise, of doing this. Any problems call 0409 347 616.
Rocks come in all sizes, some heavy some lighter.
Like ‘burdens’, some small and some big, they too can weigh us down.
Jesus has an answer.
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