1st September 2024 (Year B -Season of Creation – “Earth Sunday”) “Hope and Action: Begin Again”
Season of Creation
For the month of September, we generally include the Season of Creation, now celebrated worldwide and the brainchild of Normal Habel, a Lutheran minister based in South Australia. The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment together.
During the Season of Creation, we join our sisters and brothers in the ecumenical family in prayer and action for our common home in the All Age message. Norman Habel saw creation as deserving a season of its own to complement Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Advent and Pentecost. For more information, and ideas beyond simply liturgy and worship, see www.seasonofcreation.com and www.normanhabel.com.
Please note that Season of Creation is worldwide and we are all different – you may choose to adapt the material according to the insights and challenges pertinent to your local context.
In the Australian outback there are places that are awe inspiring, spectacular and mysterious. From the largest Artesian basin, when the rains come, the largest river starting in Qld, flows right to the southern ocean in SA. Water is a precious commodity, we need to treat it with respect and see it as a gift from God.
God’s dream for the world, is woven into the world where we live. Some would argue we need to ‘begin again!’
Will the earth be scorched or flourish? Might hope be found in re-creating a world of shared wealth, appreciation of other cultures, and global harmony instead of conflict, and a long term view of what makes life liveable?
Jesus offered restoration and hope in life, live differently – hope and action!
“When did we begin? We all come from Earth. We need each other. We pass on our stories.
Hold each other back, pull each other down. Being better is building the future. We have a part to play.
Have hope as God shines light and encourages LOVE and joy and beginning again” Oliver Jeffers.
Click on the button below to get the information sheet on today’s presenters, messages, and readings.