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24th November 2024 (Year B – Reign of Christ Sunday) “A Kingdom not of this World”

Jesus came into the world as the ‘upside down’ king – his kingdom is not of this world.

To commit to following Jesus is not to go along the pathway of power, authority or prestige.

Rather to relate with humility, through compassion, holding fast to a righteous way of living.

27th August 2023  (Year A – Pentecost 13)  “A Destiny Together – continuing the Journey”

27th August 2023 (Year A – Pentecost 13) “A Destiny Together – continuing the Journey”

NAIDOC Week was recently celebrated. The Uniting Church has
a long history of working with the First Peoples.

We are called to take the yoke upon ourselves as a nation, to ensure First peoples will have a Voice.

Through the Spirit we are called to live in new ways with justice and truth.