8th December 2024 (Year C – Advent 2) “Road works in the Desert”
For Advent, we have four welcome videos that you can use as an opener for worship presentations. Here is the second video. Thanks to Maria Williams for her talent and effort in producing these thoughtful additions to worship. Thanks also to Rod Barnes from Adamstown UC for the musical background
John was God’s bulldozer! He prepared a road in the wilderness.
God chooses unlikely people in unlikely places to bring about his purposes.
‘Deserts’ for many people are very different places – places with guilt, disappointment, loss.
The way out of deserts is repentance then forgiveness, to bring about Grace and Peace.
Until computers and internet times letter writing was a regular thing people did.
Paul wrote joyful letters while he was in prison with Silas. He probably wrote to 3 very different people.
A business woman, a demon possessed slave girl and later a jailer.
All shared in an abundance of God’s grace because of Paul.