28th April 2024  (Year B – Easter 5)  “God is Love!”

28th April 2024 (Year B – Easter 5) “God is Love!”

If we want the world to see God’s love it has to be through Christians (His people), when they overtly act in love to their neighbors, with God’s help.   John Paul 2 reaction after he was shot, was still ringing powerfully in the mind of the aggressor 30 years later, because John Paul’s act of forgiveness, was a revelation of the love of God to that man.  Hear that story today!

21st April 2024  (Year B – Easter B)  “Her Feet Were Drenched With Dew!”

21st April 2024 (Year B – Easter B) “Her Feet Were Drenched With Dew!”

Mary goes to the tomb, the tomb is empty, a man appears, she hears her name, her heart explodes with joy!

She asks the smallest of mercies, but receives the greatest of gifts, an encounter with her friend, Messiah, Rabbi-nah!

She remembers the Good Shepherd. No other voice can define or limit who she is. She had to go and tell.

14th April 2024  (Year B – Easter 3)  “In the Midst!”

14th April 2024 (Year B – Easter 3) “In the Midst!”

Troubled and full of doubts the disciples are hiding in a locked room.

Jesus appears and stands there.  An example of “A life after life after death.”

Appearances of Jesus to his disciples shows the message of, ‘Faith and Hope and Doubt’ are in collision, which helps us to face our own confusion. The one who died stands “In the Midst” with a new offering.

24th July 2022  Pentecost 7 “Father, Hallowed be Your Name, Your Kingdom Come”

24th July 2022 Pentecost 7 “Father, Hallowed be Your Name, Your Kingdom Come”

Following Jesus is not an easy choice. It may require us to make Jesus our ‘Top Priority’ and be willing to give up anything for God.

However it may not be an ‘either’ /’or’ choice but finding a balance in our commitment and making Jesus the foundation of all we are trying to do so we can say “Amen”.