
21st January 2024 (Year B – Epiphany 3) “Call, Letting Go and Picking Up”

Moving through this Epiphany we need to be looking for the signs that God has for us for this new year.

The fishermen that Jesus called to follow him, knew what it was like to pull fish from the chaos of the sea.

What does it mean to pull people from the chaos of their lives, the storms around them, the deep blue of the seas they are in and bring them into the order of God. ‘Called to follow’ equals ‘Call to love’ (even when we want to resist).


What Jonah thought he could do did not work! God knew exactly what he was up to!

It was only when Jonah finally realised he could not help himself out of the mess, he turned back to God.

Then he found the answers he needed to hear, and became obedient to God’s will.

Is there something we each need to hear?

Click on the button below to get the information sheet on today’s presenters, messages, and readings.

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