
11th August 2024 (Year B -Pentecost 12) “Imitators of Christ”

Following rules and instructions is not always popular in our present society. Some like to just ‘do their own thing’!

Today there is a challenge to follow rules that will build unity and an element of community in our society.

What would it look like to be ‘imitators’ of Jesus in our lives where love, kindness and forgiveness shine?


Many people love dressing up and imitating being someone they are not, but someone they admire!

Paul calls us to to also join him in being an ‘imitator’ but of someone who was kind and loving.

This involves us being “Christlike” in all we do everyday of our lives, not just on occasions.

Click on the button below to get the information sheet on today’s presenters, messages, and readings.

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