25th December 2022 Christmas Day “Christmas is Always Outside”
Click on the button below to get the information sheet on today’s presenters, messages, and readings.
Click on the button below to get the information sheet on today’s presenters, messages, and readings.
The scared and frightened followers were hiding in a locked room – into that fear Jesus came and said, ‘Peace be with you’.
The heart of Jesus is to give peace and to make an eternal difference in the lives of others.
The breath of the Holy Spirit is transformative. Wherever it blows it will bring new life and vitality.
For Advent, we have four welcome videos that you can use as an opener for worship presentations. Here is the first video. Thanks to Maria Williams for her talent and effort in producing these thoughtful additions to worship. Thanks also to Rod Barnes from Adamstown UC for the musical background Being ‘ready’ is not about…
Scholars of non-violence, say it only takes 2% of the population to make a change in society. How we live our lives can bring out the best in our community.
St Francis of Assisi talked about “always living at the bottom of society, as only there can we really experience the truth.
If we love the poor – the poor one around us and within us – we will increase our compassion for, and act against, injustice”.
The 2 disciples acted on what they were asked to do This provided the means for Jesus to claim unique kingship over Jerusalem and the world. We never know how God will use our obedience.
NAIDOC Week was recently celebrated. The Uniting Church has
a long history of working with the First Peoples.
We are called to take the yoke upon ourselves as a nation, to ensure First peoples will have a Voice.
Through the Spirit we are called to live in new ways with justice and truth.