
13th August 2023 (Year A – Pentecost 11) “Get Out of the Boat”

Life is about getting out of the harbour and going to ‘the other side’.

We need to not be afraid of what we encounter, prepare to have failures and step out with faith and trust.

The miracle is taking the first step, keeping our eyes on the goal and not being fearful of what may happen.

Have courage, Jesus is there with you.


For those people who download the subtitles (closed captions), there is no need to do this from 4th June 2023 as we have already hard-coded them into the video. These videos can be directly imported into PowerPoint. This is a trial and we would appreciate your feedback on the benefits, or otherwise, of doing this. Any problems call 0409 347 616.


If we were making cheese, we would need milk and other correct ingredients.

Following the correct method we need to have Faith and Trust that a nice cheese happens.

Living life in the Jesus way, requires the same Faith and Trust to get our discipleship right.

Click on the button below to get the information sheet on today’s presenters, messages, and readings.

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